Read our article in December 2021 in The Peak on resource guarding here
Read our article published fall 2020 in The Peak. The Myth of Dominance.
'Read our April 2021 article in The Peak on pandemic puppies, here.
Read our October 2020 Halloween issue here.
At least 38 French bulldogs died on a flight from the Ukraine to Toronto in June 2020. Read my article in The Peak about how to ensure you get a puppy from a reputable source and not from a source that puts profit ahead of the welfare of puppies and their future families. Read the article here
I've just published a new newsletter with information about upcoming group classes and the characteristics of positive reinforcement training. Read the newsletter here. If you would like to be on the subscription list for my newsletter, you can sign up below. My article in the Powell River Peak on two-way communication is a topic close to my heart. You can read it here.
One of my favourite trainers, UK-based Chirag Patel, says "Listen to your dog's whisper so he doesn't have to shout." When our dogs "misbehave" it's usually because they are trying to meet a need. When we give them a voice, and listen to what they say, problem behaviours may disappear. There was a lot of feedback about my article in The Peak about giving leashed dogs the space they need when out for walks or hikes. You can read it here. Many people appreciated the article because they routinely run into dogs who are allowed to run up to their leashed dog or puppy, causing a reaction. It's a stressful experience for the dog on leash and for their person, and one that can be easily avoided through communication and empathy.
Sandy Middleton, Trainer
April 2022
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